Founded in 2020, the Black Kite Scholarship Program is a fully donor-supported scholarship that supports students who demonstrate exceptional academic talent and the potential for transformational growth at HKIS. 

Students who are from local Hong Kong families and who also attend local Hong Kong schools may apply for admission to HKIS for Grade 7. Successful applicants may receive a Black Kite Scholarship. Once awarded, Black Kite scholarship support is guaranteed to a student for a full six years of HKIS education until graduation, on the condition of acceptable academic progress and participation.  

The Black Kite Scholarship covers full tuition and fees for recipients each year, as well as the many associated costs of attending HKIS. These include, but are not limited to assistance and support for transportation to and from HKIS each day, support for meals and snacks, educational supplies including required technology such as laptops and other computing resources, and support for fees associated with field trips, Interim, and participation in team and competitive sports and activities. In short, Black Kite Scholarship recipients will enjoy the full HKIS educational experience. 

To learn more about this program, or to apply, please contact Bowie Lam at [email protected].

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